The Herbalist Path Podcast

Herbs to Boost Kids’ Immune Health: Immunomodulators vs. Immune Stimulants Explained

A picture of happy kids sitting in a field that are out looking for herbs
As the weather cools down and we head into cold and flu season, many of us moms start thinking about how to keep our kiddos healthy. If you’re like me, you want to do it the natural way, right? This blogcast is all about how you can use herbs to support your kids’ immune systems throughout the year, and I’ll break down the difference between immune stimulants and immunomodulators. Spoiler alert: You’ll want to know when to use which! 




This post is part one of a three-part series focused on helping your kids thrive all year long. We’ll also cover herbs to ease anxiety and boost brain function in upcoming posts, so make sure you check those out too!


The Basics: Immune Stimulants vs. Immunomodulators

When we think about using herbs for immune health, most people immediately jump to immune stimulants. These are herbs that ramp up the immune system—great for when you feel a cold coming on or when everyone around you is sick. But what about building long-term immune resilience?

That’s where immunomodulators come in. These herbs help to balance and strengthen your immune system over time, making it more resilient to all those bugs that tend to make their way into schools and homes. Think of them as the immune system’s personal trainers—they don’t just boost your immunity but make it smarter and stronger for the long haul.


Immunomodulating Herbs for Long-Term Health

Here are some of my favorite immunomodulating herbs that can be easily incorporated into your family’s daily routine:


Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)

This herb is an absolute powerhouse for building long-term immune resilience. It works by strengthening your immune system’s natural defense mechanisms. Astragalus increases natural killer (NK) cell activity (your immune system’s special ops team!) and stimulates T cells and macrophages to fight off invaders like viruses and bacteria. It’s perfect for those kids who seem to catch every cold that goes around.

How to use it:

  • Add Astragalus root to soups and stews. It’s a mild-tasting root that’s super easy to sneak into meals.
  • You can also make a nourishing Astragalus Chai to keep the whole family healthy and warm during the colder months. 


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Not only is Ashwagandha an immune modulator, but it’s also one of the best herbs for stress relief—which is key when it comes to immune health. Chronic stress weakens the immune system, so helping your kids manage stress will naturally boost their resilience. Ashwagandha works to support immune function and can be especially helpful for kids under a lot of pressure at school.

How to use it:

  • Blend Ashwagandha powder into smoothies or teas.
  • My favorite recipe: Homemade coconut milk, a banana, Ashwagandha powder, honey, and cinnamon—blend it all together for a delicious immune-boosting drink!


Shiitake Mushrooms (Lentinula edodes)

Shiitakes are more than just tasty—they’re immune superstars! These mushrooms have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries to strengthen the body and activate natural killer cells. They’re also adaptogens, which means they help the body cope with stress and boost overall physical performance.

How to use it:

  • Add Shiitake mushrooms to soups, stir-fries, or broths for a nourishing and immune-boosting meal.
  • You can even grow your own Shiitake mushrooms at home with a mushroom log kit—free medicine right in your backyard! 


When to Use Immune Stimulants

Now, let’s talk about immune stimulants. These herbs are perfect when you know your kids are surrounded by sick classmates or when you start feeling that first tickle in your throat. They rev up the immune system, helping it to fight off infections before they take hold.

Here are a couple of my go-to immune stimulants:

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)

Elderberries are packed with antiviral power and are great at shortening the duration of colds and flu. Kids love the taste, so it’s easy to get them to take elderberry syrup when you need to give their immune systems a little kick.

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

Known for its immune-boosting properties, Echinacea is a must-have when your kids start showing symptoms of illness. It’s an antimicrobial herb that helps the body fight off viruses and bacteria while also supporting the lymphatic system.


Lifestyle Tips for Immune Health

It’s not just about the herbs, though. Lifestyle plays a huge role in how well our kids' immune systems function. Here are a few simple things to focus on:

  • Reduce Stress: Chronic stress weakens the immune system, so do what you can to help your kids relax—whether it’s through deep breathing exercises, time in nature, or a little yoga.
  • Stay Hydrated: Make sure your kids are drinking plenty of water and herbal teas to keep their systems running smoothly.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. Help your kids get enough rest, especially during school months.
  • Eat Whole Foods: Ditch the processed junk food and focus on a diet full of whole foods, especially veggies, fruits, and healthy fats.  


Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

I hope this post gave you some helpful ideas for keeping your kids healthy throughout the school year and beyond. Be sure to tune into the next two parts of this series, where we’ll cover herbs for easing anxiety and boosting brain function.

If you liked this post, share it with other moms who are looking for natural ways to support their family’s health!


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